10 Soul Lifting and fun Youth Activities For Spiritual Growth

10 Soul Lifting And Fun Youth Activities For Spiritual Growth

The nourishment and growth of the youth is a major concern of church communities. Young people, due to their age could be a handful to work with it. They need close guidance to prevent them from being influenced unduly by the world to which they have been introduced.

To get young people to be active participants in the church of God, elders should strive to organize church programmes to incorporate their tastes and desires. This will help in instilling the precepts of God in them which will guide them till the end of their days. Here are 10 fun and spiritual growth  activities to stir their souls in the church:

1. Community Service

Selfless service to one’s community is a given for every true Christian. To motivate young people, you could organize community cleaning, visiting hospitals, conducting charity drives for the poor, visiting homeless centers or just rendering voluntary services needed in the community.

Doing it in the company of other young people will foster a spirit of kinship that will see to a repeat. What may start out as a serious duty should end with fun activities like little games.

With this, you can be sure that the young ones are in an unfailing search for fulfillment through service making them better children. This taking of responsibilities will make them into adults who have fulfilled God’s word in Lamentations 3:27, “It is good for a man that he bears the yoke in his youth”

2. Bible Quizzes

Young people love a challenge and are often on the lookout for them. You can seize this to organize quizzes or competitions on the scriptures for them.

Dividing them into groups and placing a prize will motivate them and build the spirit of teamwork. Trust me, the screams, yelps and victories are ones that will remain evergreen in their minds. Through this, they are brought in contact with God’s word for the nourishment and upliftment of their faith.

3. Youth Camp Spiritual Growth

Several churches organize camps or retreats for young people annually. Kids and teenagers of different ages and from different parts of the world are invited to a location to experience a wide range of fun activities and have some quiet time.

Fixing in hours for praying, singing and worshipping the Lord will birth transformed youths after the programme. The teachings which they have received outside of the influence of the carnal world will lead them safely down the path of salvation that the Lord has designed for them.

4. Youth-targeted revival programmes

In societies witnessing a steady vanishing of young people from God and morality, this is the best bet. Programmes on themes ranging from faith, morality amongst others can be discussed. Seasoned instructors with experience in handling youths should be invited to minister to the.

Question and answer sessions as well, will help create a feeling of ease which is the best for learning and practicing true spirituality. Once done well, there will be breakthroughs in the lives of the youths as they forge ahead in the fight against the machinations of the devil.

5. Charity Drives

The thought of contributing to a greater cause is a source of joy to people. This rings true too for youths in the church. They could be asked to create some items together, market and sell them.

The profits will now be fed into a cause such as feeding the poor, funding a new structure for the children etc. When young people are asked to be part of these, they are taught social responsibility and will go on to become worthy members of their societies and Christian communities.

6. Faith-Based Discussions

The world is in constant flux. New and even infamous ideas and doctrines could unseat and destroy the resolve of any unguided youth. It is the duty of the church to organize activities such as discussions on faith. Participants could range from pre-teens, teens, and young adults who need counseling.

They are invited and warmly welcomed to share aspects of their faith and clarifications with a godly counselor. Declaring the discussion venue, a safe space gives the young ones the courage to ask for help and clarification. Through this, their connection with God is strengthened.

7. Games and other fun physical activities

Young adults and teenagers always have a lot of energy to burn. Getting them into closed-door activities without any breathing space might cause them to associate church with boring talks and posturing.

Teaching the word should not be associated with sleep or long lectures. Combining games such as scrabble, chess and a little running around will help sustain the interest of the young ones. Be sure that the thought of the intermittent games is sure to get them enthusiastic about the next church activity.

8. Singing in the Church Choir

Nothing gives more joy and brings one closer better than pelting out joyful notes to the Lord. Youths in the church who find it hard to connect with God could be persuaded to join the church.

The process of finding new tunes, rehearsing, and connecting with the choir will open up their hearts to communion with God. Without fail, they will attend rehearsals with excitement and through this, they regain their faith. And they will one day proclaim like the psalmist in Psalm 71:8 “My mouth is filled with your praise and with your glory all the days”

9. Exercises on Gratitude

Teaching young people the need for thankfulness especially during bible instructions is important. It is necessary that they learn not only what gratitude entails but practice it.

Youths could be divided into groups and asked to write letters to everyone who has been good to them expressing their gratitude. They could also be asked to go over and help their parents, neighbours and anyone they’ve messaged.

This will make them appreciate the light that they bring into the world by doing this. In total, they will be making true Apostle James’ injunction (1:22–25): “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: “For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was.

10. Talent Hunt/Shows

The best way to get through to young people is through the activities they enjoy. Youth coordinators in a church could choose to organize talent hunts or shows for every young person to entertain the audience.

This should be organized to be a sort of party or competition. The prospect of winning will prompt them to work harder. Through this too, unique abilities in them can be identified and nurtured for the glory of God.


Q1. What is spiritual development?

Spiritual growth is the beginning of a deepening connection with something greater than ourselves. It can involve exploring your values, purpose, and relationship with the world.

Q2. How do I know if I am growing spiritually?

Evolving signs of spiritual growth may include increased compassion, self-awareness, inner peace, and a sense of purpose.

Q3. Is there a right way to grow spiritually?

No, because different practices suit different people. Meditate, pray, spend time in nature, serve others, or study spiritual texts.

Q4. Does spiritual growth mean giving up everything I enjoy?

not at all! It’s more about finding balance. You can enjoy the pleasures of life while still striving for a deeper connection with something bigger.