Unfortunately, as you age your body starts to feel the stresses an stains of life more and more. The ‘abuses’ of your younger years are beginning to be felt in your older years.

But fear not – nothing is irreversible, and there are a few tweaks that can be done to get you back into the driving seat of your health and fitness again.

Give up smoking

We all know the damage that smoking cigarettes can do to your health these days. Cigarette companies are legally obliged to feature stark warnings on their packages. Governments the world over carry out anti-smoking campaigns, generation after generation of children are warned of the dangers of the addiction – yet there continues to be a certain percentage who persist in starting this habit.

If you struggle with giving up smoking, there are many alternatives out there now that can help you reduce the immediate dangers, wean yourself off proper cigarettes, and reduce the harm you are doing to yourself. Disposable vapes, for example, is a low cost alternative that will allow you to replace the physical habit of smoking, and the chemical addiction of the nicotine, without the harmful effects of the cigarettes themselves.

Take iron supplements

Tiredness can come out of the blue as we get older, but often it is not age that makes us so fatigued, but a lack of iron. The simplest way to boost your energy is to increase the levels of iron in your diet – found in red meat, seafood, leafy green vegetables, legumes, pumpkin seeds and dried apricots. Seek out some good quality iron tablets to give yourself that added boost. 

Eliminate processed sugars

Refined and processed sugar is one of the worst things you can be eating – particularly as you get older. Not only does it make you fat and have absolutely no nutritional benefit to you at all, but it is also linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, heart disease, cause chronic inflammation and lead to type 2 diabetes.

In our modern 21st century diet, sugar is injected into places you would never normally even believe. It is in bread, ready meals, takeaways, cereals (even the healthier mueslis), and even in milk. In the States, it is estimated that the average adult consumes 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day.

Going cold turkey with sugar is an incredibly difficult thing to do, so you may be better advised to cut back gradually. Giving up can bring on some unpleasant side effects. These may include drops in mood and some anxiety, changes in sleep patterns, and cravings. You may also feel light headed or dizzy, and experience headaches. If you do decide to cut sugar from your diet seek support and research it beforehand. As you come out the other side (and it may last a few days) you will understand why it is so important to your health as the overall feeling of clarity and wellbeing will be worth it tenfold!

Walk more

If you’ve never been one for beasting it in the gym, you ay not want to start in later life. But gentle movement and some resistance training is definitely important for regaining good anerobic and bone strengthening. It does not have to be much – but try and get your steps up to 10,000 plus a day, and do a few reps with a challenging weight every couple of days.

Have a good night’s sleep

Insomnia is one of those states that is exacerbated by sugar. Equally too much screen time, anxiety, menopause, alcohol, IBS, and light from non tinted windows – all can contribute towards a really bad night’s sleep. If you decide to cut the sugar and the cigarettes, you will start to notice a significant improvement to your sleeping patterns. If you still need some help, then invest in some magnesium supplements.