You buy a beautiful new sofa for your living room and your heavy, overweight spouse flops down into it and breaks the springs. It’s a 3-seater couch and the part they collapsed onto is now sagging and uncomfortable. You realize that heavy duty couches are what your home needs from now on if you want to avoid this kind of scenario where you have broken springs. There are so many sofa styles just like there are so many heavyweight people around and recliner sofas for heavy people have to be heavy-duty enough to ensure they aren’t damaged and that they provide sufficient comfort and support.
But what are recliner sofas for heavy people? Who is considered heavyweight in the first place? Heavy-duty couches for overweight people need to be strengthened to offer more strength and at the same time, it is equally important to maintain oversized dimensions. Finding this combo may not be as simple as it may seem. A furniture expert will tell you that couch weight capacities are given according to the seat. The weight capacity for the one seat on a 3-seater couch will be about 200 to 300 pounds. So a 3-seater sofa will be able to have a weight capacity of roughly 750 pounds.
Heavyweights always have the fear of breaking furniture
An overweight person is someone whose body weight is more than what is considered normal or healthy for a particular height. The truth is, there are many heavyweights around and they simply want furniture that can support them comfortably without them having to fear breaking it.
A recliner sofa is a wonderful piece of furniture to have as it allows you to truly relax. The sofa reclines when the person sitting on it pushes back on it so that a footrest emerges, your head rests back and you can be at peace.
Strong frames and sturdy upholstery
If you are searching for a recliner that is specially designed for big people like yourself, you get these oversized recliners that support up to 500 pounds and more. They’ve been especially got together for big men and women. They are made with a steel box frame for strength and a higher density foam for comfort.
The best heavy-duty recliner sofas are the ones that have the right frame and the right upholstery. These heavy-duty sofas can vary from brand to brand, but you never have to fear anyone damaging your chair, as they’re just too strong.
When you look at heavy-duty sofas you also have to look at the upholstery. If you’re overweight, it can cause the fabric to stretch more than it is designed to and day after day, week after week the fabric, taking that abuse simply ends up tearing from weakening before its time. Fortunately today, heavy-duty recliner sofas often come with durable cushions with removable, reversible covers.
Those over 250 pounds can use heavyweight capacity sofas
So what are recliner sofas for heavy people? Those in the know will tell you that generally, those people who weigh more than 250 pounds are the ones that could use a heavyweight-capacity sofa. These heavy-weight sofas nearly always have short legs with heavy-duty subframes made of solid wood or steel.
Some of the best brands such as Wayfair, Modway, Allform, and others are making super heavy-duty furniture with durable materials.
Anyone who is built heavier than the norm has to be more observant when choosing furniture for the home. Most recliner sofas feel comfortable at first, but they may not be robust enough for heavy people. Be certain to find out the weight capacity of the sofa.
These days heavy people are taken into consideration when furniture is manufactured and there are many options for heavy people. You have to do research and find the recliner sofa that caters to any build and a softa that has been constructed to last.
The best heavy-duty recliner sofa is one that boasts a maximum of 5, 6 or 700 pounds and while they are great for relaxation, they also offer a lot of lumbar support for big, heavy people.
In fact, heavy-duty frames made from robust hardwood or steel can safely handle up to 800 pounds and you can find them in many furniture stores.
Long-lasting durability and comfort
True, some of these larger, heavy-duty recliner sofas may well be a bit more pricey, but they will at least offer the larger stature person with long-lasting durability and comfort.