Enhancing Advertising Efficiency: Leveraging SSP Advertising for Better Monetization

If you’re in the advertising business (or trying to get involved), there’s almost no way you haven’t heard of programmatic advertising — it’s an auction-based system that automates ad buying for digital campaigns, facilitating their purchase and sale in milliseconds. But it wouldn’t be complete without the help of SSPs, or supply-side platforms.

Simply put, an SSP is an advertising technology publishers use to sell their ad inventory and increase their monetization potential. They provide a marketplace where advertisers can bid on impressions, and publishers can optimize ad revenue by setting parameters such as CPMs and targeting criteria.

In this article, we’ll talk about SSP advertising and how publishers can use it for better monetization.

DSPs and SSPs: Two Sides of the Programmatic Coin

A DSP (demand-side platform) is an interface where advertisers can search for and purchase digital ad inventory to target specific audiences. It allows them to reach users across different platforms and devices with high accuracy and efficiency, saving time when executing campaigns.

DSPs are used by advertisers and agencies who are looking to buy ad inventory. They work by connecting to various SSPs, which provide publishers with the tools they need to maximize their ad monetization potential. It lets them sell their inventory in real time on an open marketplace where buyers can bid on impressions.

How DSPs and SSPs Work Together

A DSP cannot work without SSPs, and vice-versa.

Advertisers use a DSP to purchase ad space from SSPs when they want to reach an audience. The SSP then sends bid requests to its partner DSPs, and the highest bidders win the auction for that particular impression. Once the deal is closed, the publisher receives their payment and the advertiser pays for the ad impression.

Here’s the crazy part: all of this happens in milliseconds.

Benefits of Selling Ad Inventory on an SSP

Publishers benefit tremendously from using an SSP. Yes, digital ad spending will reach nearly $900 billion by 2026. And yes, programmatic ads account for 91.1% of that spending.

But it’s more than just a force to be reckoned with. There’s a reason behind its success. SSPs simplify and streamline the ad inventory sales process and maximize revenue potential. 

Let’s explore six compelling reasons why SSPs are a boon for publishers:

1. Automated Selling

SSPs automate the process of selling ad inventory, eliminating the need for manual transactions. They take the hassle out of manual processes (e.g., tracking and managing inventory), enabling publishers to focus on other important tasks.

For example, publishers can use SSPs to set their own CPMs (cost per thousand impressions, or cost per mille), target specific audiences, and even block certain visitors and advertisers. This allows them to have better control over who they’re selling ad space to and the price they’re charging for it.

2. Maximized Revenue

SSPs use real-time bidding (RTB) technology, allowing multiple advertisers to bid on ad space simultaneously. This competition often leads to higher bids and maximizes the revenue earned from each ad impression.

They also provide an open marketplace where buyers can bid on impressions, allowing them to reach the right audience at the right time.

3. Greater Reach

SSPs connect publishers with multiple DSPs and ad networks, providing access to a wide range of potential advertisers. Their chances of selling every ad impression are considerably higher working with an SSP than with a traditional ad server or network.

4. Granular Control

SSPs give publishers control over who can buy their ad inventory and at what price. They can set minimum bid amounts, choose which types of ads to display, and even block certain advertisers or types of content.

Beyond this, they can also select which ad networks or DSPs to include in their auction. That way, they can ensure that they only sell to buyers who respect their terms and conditions or fit their predetermined criteria.

5. Detailed Reporting and Analytics

An SSP is a transparent platform that allows publishers to monitor their inventory, bids, and revenue in real time. This insight helps them track what’s working and adjust their settings accordingly. It also helps them identify fraudulent activity and block malicious advertisers or visitors.

For a retrospective look at ad performance, SSPs provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that offer insights into ad performance, audience behavior, and revenue metrics. These insights can guide decision-making and strategy, helping publishers optimize their ad operations and maximize revenue.

6. Improved User Experience

By managing and optimizing ad placements, SSPs can help improve the overall user experience on a publisher’s site. They ensure ads are relevant to the user, appropriately placed, and not overly intrusive, contributing to a more positive user experience.

Website owners like using SSPs for this exact reason — it keeps their bounce rate low even when they monetize their site through ad placements.

Final Thoughts

SSPs are the seller-side element of the programmatic ad buying process — they enable publishers to increase their monetization potential by offering ad inventory on an open marketplace. Publishers, such as website owners, app developers, and independent online publishers, can benefit greatly from using an SSP because it provides them the control over ad placements, process automation, and user experience they need to maximize revenue.