Study, faith, and prayer or How to prepare yourself for a dissertation defense


The dissertation defense is a stressful and sometimes even exhausting process. During the dissertation defense, your examiners may ask you questions that you don’t expect, or they might question aspects of your research. It’s essential to be prepared to answer these questions.

There are many good ways to prepare for the dissertation defense. Even if you only plan to write or proofread your dissertation, an expert from will gladly help you. After your dissertation is finished, you have to prepare as well as possible for the defense, so take into account the following tips that we have pointed out for you:

Study and preparation

It is essential to study your presentation material and practice presenting it thoroughly. This is the best way to gain in-depth knowledge of the topic and become familiar with the questions the committee members might ask.

Many students find it helpful to prepare slides and practice presenting their work in front of friends or family before the defense. Students should determine their department’s norms by discussing the defense process with their committee chair or fellow students. Attending an open defense is also helpful; it will give you a firsthand look at what to expect. 

Ensure you have everything you need before the defense starts. This should include your slides, notes, and anything else essential for the presentation.

Finally, it is essential to communicate regularly with the faculty committee that you hand-picked when you began your project about how your research was progressing. This will ensure clarity among committee members about why you made dramatic changes during your defense. This will also help your adviser prepare appropriate and thorough answers for you.

Rest and meditation

While it may be tempting to go out and party the night before a dissertation defense, it is essential to get adequate rest. Getting enough sleep will help you stay alert and give you the mental energy to command your defense.

The day of your dissertation defense should not only be filled with studying, but it’s also essential to make time for rest. This includes catching up on sleep and putting yourself in a good mood. It’s a big day, and you’ve worked hard for it, so take the time to do things that make you happy.

It’s important to remember that although you may be nervous and feel like you’re jumping through the highest hurdle in academia, this is just a test. There will be questions you can’t answer, but that’s OK if you know what your research lacks and can address this in future studies.

Faith and motivation

A dissertation defense is a public lecture and an opportunity for you to showcase your research to a larger audience, and the length of the defense will depend on the nature of your research. Keep yourself inspired and motivated and believe in yourself – it is the primary key to success.

Stay calm and confident

It may help to think of your defense as a conversation, with you and your committee members having the same goal: understanding your work. It’s not uncommon for committee members to talk among themselves or disagree with each other, so don’t be surprised if they veer off-topic for a while or question your ideas.

Practice with someone outside of your academic program who can ask you general questions about your study to prepare for the potential questions that might be asked. It will also help you take a public speaking course to build confidence and clarity in your presentation. This will make a big difference in the tone of your voice and how you sound.

If you get stuck on a question, take a moment to consider your response or ask for clarification. Rather than trying to force an answer, recent grads and faculty recommend being open to the committee’s feedback. They are not there to hurt your feelings. They want you to succeed and will be helpful in any way they can. This approach will also allow you to feel more confident about your answers.


It’s important to remember that the quality of your research largely determines your success or failure in a dissertation defense, so take the opportunity seriously. We hope this article’s recommendations will help you prepare yourself (especially mentally) for the dissertation defense.