Whatever problem it is that inspired the need for a new house, whether you were thrown out of your former house because your rent was long overdue?
Or you’re simply fed up with your old stuffy house with the house owner coming every day with one complaint or the other?
Or maybe you’re just tired of not comfortably owning a comfort zone, and you need a house you can call your home.
Do not worry. God is with you always to provide for your needs. Matt 6:26 says” Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
If God can provide for the birds so well, how much more you who He made in His image. He will give you the home you desire if only you come to Him in prayers.
40 prayers to pray when believing in God for a new house
1. Lord Jesus, I bless your name because there’s no one like you. I believe that all the plans you have for me are of good and not of evil. Provide a shelter over my head that I may worship you in comfort in Jesus’ name.
2. I long to have a home of my own, Lord Jesus, come to my aid and make it possible, and I believe you’ll answer my prayers in Jesus’ name.
3. It is not your wish Oh Lord, that I suffer. I come before you with the need of shelter. Even birds live comfortably in their nest. Bless me with my own nest in Jesus’ name.
4. Lord, you are my protector. Your word in Psalm 91:4 assured me of your protection in the day and at night. Bless me with a new house that I may rest my head when the day ends and worship you in the morning.
5. Your blessings are forever abundant in all who trust in you. I place my whole trust in you, and I believe that you’ll grant me the wish of a new house which I seek in Jesus’ name.
6. You are the only hope of the hopeless. I don’t know how it will happen, but I entrust into your hands my greatest fears. I need a new house, a place I can call my home. Please, make it happen in Jesus’ name.
7. When the day is about to end, I become sad knowing that I have no place to go and no one to run to for help. But I have you, Lord. Bless me with a new house in Jesus’ name.
8. Your word in Luke 21:33 said that heaven and earth shall pass away but not your word. You’ve promised to answer when we call. I call upon you now Lord to answer my prayer and bless me with a new house.
9. Mighty Redeemer, great provider, Lion of the tribe of Judah, bless me with a new house and let my enemies not laugh at me asking” where is your God?”
10. All my efforts towards getting a new house have been unproductive. Destroy every evil hand behind this misfortune and bless me with a new house in Jesus’ name.
11. I call upon you, the one true God in my point of need because you are the solution to all problems. Answer my prayers and let your blessings rain on me, and give me the new house I’ve always prayed for.
12. I count on you, Lord. I believe that in due time, you shall bless me with a new house which I desire in Jesus’ name.
13. Many trusts in horses, others in chariots, but I place my whole trust in you, my heavenly father believing that you won’t let me down. I shall get the house I desire in Jesus’ name.
14. You’ve always blessed me, Lord. Beautify my life with a new house, and all glory and adoration shall be yours forever, Amen.
15. My enemies have ruled that I won’t be successful. Lord prove them wrong and let my dream house become a reality soon in Jesus’ name.
16. I come to you as my father. Bless me with a new house, for if I’m left alone, the mission is unsuccessful.
17. The life you gave me for free is enough. It is okay if you choose not to do more. I bless you, Lord. But I need a house. If it is your will, grant me my petition.
18. You are my divine provider. I come to you with this need of a new house hoping that it will be granted, in Jesus’ name.
19. Lord Jesus, you have promised to bless your children abundantly. Bless me with a new house, that I may comfortably live with my loved ones in Jesus’ name.
20. I do not have enough money to buy a house. I don’t even know the safe location to live, but I entrust all my plans and fears to you. Make it come to reality, the safe abode which I desire.
21. Your word in Psalm 2:8 said that I should ask that you shall make the nation’s my inheritance and the ends of the earth my possession. I ask that you bless me and give me my desired house in Jesus’ name.
22. I pray this day Lord that the doors of breakthrough and wealth be opened up to me that all necessities to acquiring my own house be provided in Jesus’ name.
23. I believe that with you, Jesus, there is no impossibility. As unimaginable and unachievable it may seem, I still trust that very soon I shall rejoice in my new house in Jesus’ name.
24. Let there be no limitations to my success. May the house I seek for myself and my family come to pass in Jesus’ name.
25. Lord Jesus, giver of all things. I have an understanding that all good things comes from you, I ask you to bless me with a new house because I am tired of not having one in Jesus’ name.
26. Give me a befitting place Oh Jesus. Erase my suffering with a brand new house for myself and my family in Jesus’ name.
27. I am a winner and not a loser. I shall overcome all toils and problems of life. Give me a place to call home, and my love for you will know no bounds in Jesus’ name.
28. I will never let you go unless you bless me, Lord. I pray that I get this new house which I have long desired in Jesus’ name.
29. Crown my efforts with success Lord. I’ve been toiling and struggling to build myself a home, but your words said in Psalm 127:1 unless you build a house, the builders build in vain. Lord Jesus, you remain the key to the success of every struggle. Make my dream a reality and let my hard work yield a profitable outcome in Jesus’ name.
30. Bless me father like you blessed Abraham, and break every yoke of poverty in my life. Bless me with a brand new house of my own in Jesus’ name.
31. Give me the strength to overcome all challenges that come with getting a new house. Guide me, protect me and bless me in Jesus’ name.
32. I come against all spirits of fund mismanagement and carelessness that have made me unable to get a house of my own with the holy ghost fire. I implore the holy spirit to take charge and make my dreams achievable in Jesus’ name.
33. Let all evil hands working against the good plans of God for my life be destroyed in Jesus’ name.
34 I pray that you will provide me with a comfortable house to call my home very soon in Jesus’ name.
35. I am a blessed blessing. My new house shall be the beginning of God’s blessings in my family in Jesus’ name.
36. The God I serve is ever faithful. From generation to generation, He remains the same. I entrust him with my desire for a new house and believe that he’ll fulfill his promise to me soon in Jesus’ name.
37. I see myself walking into my new house in glory very soon in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray.
38. I believe that whoever trusts in the Lord shall not regret it. I trust in you for protection and blessings with a new house in Jesus’ name.
39. I claim the keys to my new house in Jesus’ name.
40. Lord, you said I should ask that I will receive. I ask you to release me from constantly being a tenant and bless me with a new house of my own.