At some point in your Christian life, you might begin to feel like you need more of the Lord than you have at the moment. …
At some point in your Christian life, you might begin to feel like you need more of the Lord than you have at the moment. …
Starting up and running a church is a lot of work. Organizations to create, fellowships to sustain, the faith of the congregants to bolster amongst …
You may not be aware of it, but the way you react to life’s little challenges plays a big part in your overall happiness. A …
Whether we know it already or not, the church can also be seen as a community. The reason for building a church is essentially about …
Blogging is the easiest way to start building a website. But, before creating a blog, it is important to make sure that you have an …
The parable of the sower in Matthew 13:4-8 explains that not all people created by God do God’s will. Some are lost in the world, …
Are you believing God for a new home or place of your own to live in, here are 30 prayer requests to ask God for a new home.
Sinning against the Holy Spirit is the same as rejecting God’s goodness in our lives. Sin against the Holy Spirit is regarded as “unforgivable” not …
I often get caught up in indecision when looking for an online store that sells modern Christian clothes. Believe me, it’s a really stressful task, …
To commune is to have a deep conversation, an intimate communication. It is the act of talking and listening to each other. To commune with …
On a beautiful day, you had planned to wear your favorite dress to step out from the comfort of your room, but your dress zip …
A virtuous woman is a woman of substance and has a noble heart. What is a Proverbs 31 Woman? She shows high moral standards and …
In simple terms, worldliness means to be spiritually dead. We can analyze whichever way we want, but the long and short is; if you are …
Please Pray these Important prayer requests for Afghanistan and the People. Pslam 122: 6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love …