How to Speak German Fluently and Confidently


If it seems that learning to speak German is very difficult, then we assure you: you are right! It’s challenging work every day. In addition, a full-fledged result is possible only in case of complete immersion in the German-speaking environment or attending German classes. But if you are persistent enough and believe in victory, you will find that anything is possible. You have to want it.

Use German in Different Situations

We offer methods that help many people learn to speak in German and achieve tangible results. Everyone is familiar with the situation when we want to say a phrase in German, but we don’t know or don’t remember the right word. Usually, an English-German dictionary comes to the rescue, where we find the German equivalent for the English expression. In such cases, we advise you to use a German-German dictionary, which does not just give a direct translation of the word. 

Read More Dictionaries

In German explanatory dictionaries, the meaning of a word is explained descriptively, in simple words, so that anyone can understand. So you will know that it is not necessary to name the subject, you can give it a definition or describe it, and the interlocutor will understand. Use this technique in your reflections to not slow down the flow of thoughts due to ignorance of German words.

Watch Films

Watch films in German with subtitles. Write down the expressions that you liked so that later you can try to mentally retell the movie you watched, describe your emotions, and form the main idea. Try to explain what you have in common with the characters in the tape. An effective practice would be to visit clubs and classes where they watch films together without translation and share their impressions after watching.

Memorize the Words

A great way to remember new words is to use good old stickers. Look carefully at the things in your apartment. Probably, there are still such items whose names you do not know. Stick bright stickers with the translation on them so that you don’t peek into the dictionary every time. When you remember the names of all the items, remove the stickers and try the next exercise. Close your eyes and choose any object in the apartment at random. Open your eyes and try not to pronounce the English names of things in your thoughts. If you are looking at an umbrella, forget that it is called an “umbrella.” Skip the unnecessary translation process and allow yourself to pronounce “Regenschirm” right away mentally!


Make up your phrases and sentences with learned words to mentally comment on the events happening to you. Let it be words and phrases that are as close as possible to your daily life.


Don’t focus on grammar. The rules must be followed, but to start thinking in German faster, we advise you to simplify grammatical constructions first. Enter and practice tenses and set expressions gradually, mentally training new phrases several times. Speak in simple terms about complex things, and this skill will help you successfully overcome the language barrier.


Coming home from work or lying in bed before going to bed, try to describe the day’s events in German. For users of a more “advanced” level, we suggest you mentally draw up a plan for tomorrow and the following evening note what you managed to implement from this plan.

Listen to the Music

Suppose you’re a music lover. Sing along aloud and mentally to your favorite songs. Try to hear and understand what the performer is singing about. You can search the Internet for the song’s lyrics and translate them, and then you will consciously sing the words, getting even more pleasure. Pleasant emotions contribute to good memorization of new words. Use German expressions when singing a song and when you have an opportunity to communicate.


According to the way of behavior in society, psychologists divide us into two groups: extroverts and introverts. Extroverts, in their manifestations, are outward-oriented. They are friendly and open to the world. Introverts like to be alone, and it is more challenging to get to know each other. They are slower and calmer.

To Wrap It Up

Summing up, we note that there are many ways to learn to think in German. The key to success is regular practice. And may you not compose poetry in German all day long. But gradually, from simple to complex, move towards achieving the cherished goal. Experiment, and everything will work out!

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