Choosing the Right Format for a Press Release



Sometimes you are reading a press release and have a sensation that something is wrong or missing. Most probably, the problem is the wrongly chosen press release format. That is why the format is the top priority if you want to make a positive impression on journalists and your audience too.

You need to focus on delivering the essential information without breaking through the noise. It is a professional trick to stand out among numerous competitors. You have to learn to generate relevant and newsworthy content to promote your brand, increase traffic, boost SEO, and work on your bottom line. Below, you will find the list of the essential components to include in your next press release.

1. Dateline

Make sure that your dateline includes the exact location and the date when your release was published. Mentioning the location is essential for getting local news pickups. The proper format for the dateline is the following: LOS ANGELES, CA, October 4, 2022.

2. Headline

It is important to know that your potential customer will read around 80% of the reverse phone lookup legit free press release headline. You have to do your best to craft an eye-catching headline. You need to focus on creating a positive impression on your potential clients. Make them curious and motivated to press the link and find out the details. 

3. Subhead

This section is broad and includes the details of your brand, products, services, or events. It is the summary of what your audience will learn in the entire press release. In the 1st paragraph, you’d better include the top facts about the spoken topic. It should answer 5 common questions.

4. Inverted pyramid

When you compose a professional press release using the proper format, you won’t do without the inverted pyramid. It is much broader at the top of the pyramid and with a single point at the bottom. You must add the essential details in the first three sections. If you want to add some additional details, make sure you put them after. A perfect press release contains not more than 400-500 words and 3-4 paragraphs maximum. 

5. Extra content

In the 2nd paragraph, you can provide any extra details related to the topic of discussion in your press release. it is the right place to add visual content (images, videos, top facts, numbers, statistics, etc.). This data will convince your readers and the media representatives that your release is newsworthy, worth being published, and interesting to read. If you have quotes, they must be included in the 3rd paragraph.

6. Setting the right goals

Before you start composing and writing the content for your press release you should prepare a set of predefined goals. You goals should include the following components:

  • Organic traffic;
  • New subscribers;
  • Sales;
  • Company awareness.

7. Call-to-action

Once you have set the list of goals, you can find the matching call-to-action. Make sure you keep it simple and engaging. You can include it in the final press release paragraph, where you also include the details about the company, your contact details, etc.

8. Hyperlinks

We know you would like to include a lot of details about your brand and services, but you are pretty limited with the number of words in a press release. That is why, you can share a direct link to your corporate media center, where journalists and readers can learn the details. 

9. Contact Details

When you write your company’s contact details, make sure you look like the following example:

Contact: Vincent Smith

