8 Tips to Choose a Family-Friendly Movie for Movie Night

Family movie nights are a cherished tradition in many households. Gathering together in the living room to watch a film is a great way to spend quality time together, unwind after a busy week, and create lasting memories. However, choosing the right movie that everyone will enjoy can be tricky. You want something that will appeal to kids and adults, won’t bore or offend any family members, and hopefully spark meaningful conversations afterward. 

That’s why it’s important to put some thought into which film you decide to watch for your family movie night. 

With that in mind, here are eight tips to help you choose a great family-friendly film for your next movie night:

1.Make Sure It Aligns With Your Values

Don’t compromise your family’s values for the sake of entertainment. If certain content goes against your beliefs, like excessive violence or offensive language, it’s best to choose a movie more mindfully. 

For Christian families, this can mean selecting films that align with their faith and provide an opportunity to strengthen spirituality. Films that depict religious figures can be an excellent choice and a great way to teach the kids about Jesus, Christianity, and other important history through entertainment. Not sure where to find such movies? You can find some of the best Jesus movies and shows here. 

There are plenty of other great family films as well that will make you laugh and think without pushing boundaries too far. Vet movies thoroughly, so you don’t have to turn off or stop watching something if the content takes an unexpected turn. 

2.Look For Positive Role Models And Life Lessons

One of the great benefits of family movie nights is the chance to expose your children to admirable protagonists and uplifting messages. Look for films where the lead characters demonstrate compassion, integrity, courage, loyalty, and other virtues you want to instill in your kids. Movies can spark meaningful conversations about important life lessons. 

For example, a movie about a disadvantaged athlete overcoming challenges through hard work can inspire kids to persist despite obstacles. A historical drama about key figures in the Civil Rights movement exposes kids to justice and offers lessons on standing up to prejudice. Almost any film can provide a jumping-off point to discuss values with kids afterward. 

3.Select Stories That Will Appeal To Everyone

Look for films with cross-generational appeal that will entertain the kids as well as parents. Some genres that often fit the bill are animated adventures, inspirational biopics, funny family comedies, and action-packed superhero movies. Avoid films that seem too childish for grown-ups or too mature for kids. 

The key is choosing films that aren’t too juvenile for mom and dad or too mature for the kids. For example, little ones might get bored by a long dialog-heavy drama, while teens may find slapstick humor tedious. Seek out films reviewers describe as “appealing to all ages” or suitable for “viewers 8 to 80.” Reading multiple reviews can help surface films guaranteed to appeal to everyone on your couch.

4.Read Reviews From Other Parents

One valuable tool when selecting a family movie is reading detailed reviews by other parents. Plenty of online sites offer breakdowns of a film’s messages, role models, violence, language, and more from a parent’s perspective. 

Other moms and dads will flag anything potentially objectionable in a movie—content you may want to avoid for family night. The parents’ reviews will give insight into things you may overlook or your kids may be more sensitive to. These reviews also alert you to these red flags and help you avoid movies that won’t meet your standards. 

5.Consider Your Kids’ Ages And Maturity Levels

The first thing to consider is your children’s age range and maturity level. A movie that’s fine for your 8-year-old may be too frightening or mature for your 4-year-old. The MPAA rating system can provide guidance, but you know your kids best. 

So read reviews to double-check that a film won’t include violence, language, or situations too advanced for your youngest viewer. For example, an action film rated PG-13 for “some sci-fi violence” may be fine for teens but still give nightmares to a preschooler.

If you have doubts about a movie’s content, watch it yourself before sharing it with the whole family. That way, you can judge if it aligns with your values and is age-appropriate for your kids. 

6.Choose Inspiring True Stories

Biopics and historical dramas based on real people or events can be excellent conversation starters. Your family can learn about heroes from the past while also discussing the life lessons and values on display. 

These films showcase heroes who overcame prejudice and limitations to make a difference. After watching, talk about their struggles and values that empowered them. How did they inspire others? What can your family learn from their journeys?

7.Go For Laughs

Comedies full of physical humor, witty dialogue, and ridiculous situations are usually a hit for family night. They’ll keep the mood light and bring everyone together with laughter. 

Their quirky characters and humor appeal to all ages. Comedies teach your kids it’s healthy to laugh at life’s absurdities. And sharing laughs creates joyful memories your family can reference for years.

8.Watch A Book Adaptation

Watching a beloved book come to life on the big screen is always exciting. Choose a literary adaptation the whole family has read and enjoyed. Everyone will love seeing the story brought to life on screen. 

Discuss how the adaptation stays faithful to or strays from the book. Talk about how the film brings new insights into characters you already love. Examine the filmmakers’ choices in adapting the story for a visual medium.


Choosing the right family-friendly film for movie night is key to creating a memorable evening. With the right movie pick, you can spark meaningful conversations, bring everyone closer together through shared experiences, and create traditions that will be treasured for years. Consider these tips as you consider which films are entertaining, align with your family values, and have something to offer viewers of all ages. 

Bonus tip: have popcorn and movie candy on hand to make the night extra special!

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